Never taken East Coast wine seriously? We’re on a mission to join other trailblazers setting the tone for the next generation of Northeast wines, and to put the Greater Boston Area on the map as a natural wine destination.
100% of our fruit is proudly sourced from the Northeast as sustainably as possible
Unless otherwise stated, the only addition/modification to our wines is the introduction of small amounts of sulfites at bottling to achieve .4-.8ppm molecular sulfur (tiny additions to what’s already naturally occurring is necessary for shelf stability on most, but not all wines)—that means no filtering, fining, temperature or other physical manipulation, or any of the 62+ additives allowed in wine
We also take quality seriously. Natural wine sometimes gets a bad name due to faulty wines that are misleadingly sold. We don’t think anyone should pay for an objectionable wine, which is why we take measures to assure only the best wines make it to market. Sometimes minor faults which may affect a small portion of bottles or taste preferences are unavoidable—we aim to call out where we believe there to be risk of this and are happy to offer a full refund if you’re unhappy with the quality of your purchase.